Workplace Spring Cleaning Tips From Your Denver Workers Compensation Attorney
Since springtime is just around the corner, have you thought about sprucing up your workplace environment? New seasons are great reminders to tidy up and get rid of junk. Whether you need to dust off the shelves or evaluate if a working environment has hazards, take some time to evaluate your space. Whether you work in an office or in the outdoors, take advantage of some of these tips from your local Denver workers’ compensation attorney.
Office Cleaning Tips
At home, it’s easy to remember to clean on a regular basis. At work, it can be easy to forget to clean. Make a reminder to wipe down counters, open areas, desks, filing cabinets, etc. It is also a good time to disinfect phones, keyboards and more to keep the office germs to a minimum. If you have a communal kitchen that doesn’t get any attention, not only should you make sure to clean, but it is best to get on a monthly cleaning schedule. One of the best ways to handle communal spaces is to take turns cleaning. During your annual spring cleaning session, take some time to assess all areas and look for dangerous situations. This could include boxes or cords in walkways that could cause one to trip, fire hazards around electrical outlets, chemicals and more. Learn more about 5 reasons why you need a clean and organized office environment.
Outdoor Environments
If you work outdoors, you may work out of a warehouse. It is great to take some time to clean the area. In addition, there are many safety hazards to be cautious of. Make a checklist to check things such as uneven flooring, broken equipment, hazards to trip on, electrical hazards or spills (both liquids or solids). Next, how is everything organized? In many cases, you may create an unsafe environment just by the way things are organized and stored. If it is difficult to get to some items, you may be creating a risky situation. Also, if you deal with hazardous materials at your workplace, it is crucial to make sure that protocol is being followed. Take this new season to re-inform everyone of safety precautions and how processes work.
Workers’ Compensation Claims
Do your employees, or do you as an employee, know what to do in the event of a workplace injury? There is no better time than the present to share information. As you work on your spring cleaning, make sure signage is available to easily see and access. You can also email reminders or hold a meeting to go over procedures in the event of an accident. If you are an employee that is unsure of your workplace’s guidelines, take it to a supervisor and have them address it. If you feel this way, there may be others.In addition to cleaning, be sure to avoid these common workplace distractions that lead to a workers’ compensation in Denver claim. If you need assistance with a claim, Mark A. Simon can help. Mark is your premier go-to Denver workers’ compensation attorney. If injured on the job, he will help you get the benefits you deserve. Have questions? Get a free consultation or call today.