Winter Weather Series: Injuries from Falling
In part two of our Winter Weather series, we are going to explore how you can prevent falls, but ultimately when you should consider filing suit with a Denver personal injury attorney. Falls aren’t fun, but the process can be even more complicated if you have been injured on someone’s property - particularly if they are at fault. But first, let’s chat about ways that we can prevent falls.
You’ve tried to avoid falling, but now that you have and are injured there are a few steps you should take. While “collecting evidence” isn't the first thing on your mind, it should be if you feel that it was the property owner’s fault.
If you were severely injured in the fall, call an ambulance immediately. If you were not severely injured, but feel that you need medical assistance gather your things and have someone drive you to the doctor.
Prior to leaving, make sure to snap some shots of the accident scene. For example, did you fall in a hole? Was there something large that you tripped over that the property owner should have been aware of?
Once you arrive at the doctor, or hospital, be sure that they give you a thorough check. If you have any pain, be sure to communicate that, and make sure that wherever you fell on you get inspected as well.
Now that you’ve successfully recovered from your injury, you might be wondering if you should file a personal injury lawsuit - and we have your guide! You’ll want to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit if you truly believe the property owner was at fault, or if they are disagreeing about the amount of money they feel that they should receive. A Denver personal attorney can help you determine if that’s the right move for you, but what you’ll need is:
Your medical bills/charts/report
Police report - if there was one
Photos of the accident site
This is just a few of the things you need, but your Denver personal injury attorney can give you a full list. Ultimately, you’ll end up speaking to an adjuster as well to help support your personal injury case. We recommend you approach this knowing you’ll need to convince the adjuster it was the other driver’s fault, and that the bills incurred from the accident were substantial and there was additional pain/discomfort.Once a suit is filed, you will need to work with your lawyer to develop a claims package, and ultimately a settlement. Not all personal injury suits go to court, but the insurance company will help encourage any mediation or settlement action. Despite this, remember, the case could still go to court. Typical claims packages include:
Evidence of liability
Evidence of damages
Medical Bills
Lost Wages
If you are considering whether or not you should file suit, contact Mark A. Simon. Mark will work on the injured employee’s behalf to ensure the worker receives full benefits related to rehabilitation, wage loss, and final settlement. If you have been injured on the job, call (303) 321-4878 to schedule a consultation.