Workers’ Compensation in Denver: The Most Dangerous Jobs in Colorado
No one should ever have to worry about being injured while at work, but unfortunately, there are an estimated 2.9 million nonfatal workplace injuries every year. Any employee could be in need of workers’ compensation in Denver after being unexpectedly injured while at work, but there are some industries that are more dangerous than others. Learn about employer-reported workplace injuries and illnesses. Here are some of the most dangerous jobs in the state of Colorado:
There are dozens of fatalities in the U.S. logging industry every year, and hundreds of other nonfatal injuries. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise seeing as how these workers must operate dangerous heavy machinery at high altitudes.
Speaking of employees that have to work from great heights, roofers are also in one of the most dangerous industries in the state. These workers may suffer a wide range of injuries caused by harsh environmental elements, power tools, or falls. Some injuries—such as a bad sunburn—are minor, but accidents involving power tools or falls could lead to broken bones, spinal cord damage, open wounds, and head trauma.
Agricultural Workers
Farmers and ranchers often put themselves in harm’s way in order to get the job done. These workers must use heavy machinery throughout the day, which can lead to repetitive injuries, muscle strains, or more serious injuries in the event of an accident. Farmers and ranchers also have to work long hours, so their bodies may be more prone to aches and pains after a day at work.
Truck Drivers
At first glance, a truck driver’s job may not seem so dangerous. After all, the other workers on this list are out working with their hands instead of being cooped up in a vehicle all day. But unfortunately, truck drivers often suffer serious injuries while on the job. This is mainly due to the long hours that truck drivers are forced to work in order to meet tight delivery deadlines. Many of the injuries that truck drivers report are caused in accidents with other vehicles on the road.
Electrical Workers
People who install and repair electrical lines are thoroughly trained so they know how to protect themselves while on the job. Unfortunately, this training is not enough to prevent some workers from being injured. These employees may be injured by live wires or by falling when working from high altitudes.
Some people choose to fish to relax and unwind, but being a professional fisherman is no easy feat. Fishermen have to deal with a number of hazards while on the job, including poor weather conditions, malfunctioning parts on the boat, and heavy machinery used to collect and pull in fish.
If you have any questions about whether you are entitled to workers’ compensation after an on-the-job injury, contact attorney Mark A. Simon right away. If you have been injured while at work, call us or contact Mark A. Simon to discuss your right to recover compensation during a free consultation.