What to Do if Your Insurance Company Will Not Cover Your Denver Auto Injury
It is unfortunate that in some cases, after paying for full coverage auto insurance for years, your insurance company may not cover you. It is frustrating when this happens when you need it the most in the event of an accident that is not your fault. It is added uncertainty to a stressful situation. However, you are not out of options if your insurance company comes back with a low offer or no offer at all. You can consult with a local attorney to review your Denver auto injury with you. Learn about the insurance process, ins and outs of claims, and what to do if your insurance company will not cover what you need.
Understanding Your Car Insurance Policy
One of the best ways to be proactive as a consumer is to understand your car insurance policy. This will help you understand what to look for and ask about in the event you or a member on your policy is in a wreck. Here are a few key terms to know:
Collision coverage: This type of coverage will cover the damage done to the exterior of the vehicle it is hit or was hit by another car, object, etc.
Comprehensive coverage: When a car is damaged by outside elements, whether it be weather, theft, etc., comprehensive coverage will pay for that
Property damage liability: If you damage a piece of property in an accident, such as a fixture in someone’s yard, this will cover it
Bodily injury liability: This type of coverage will cover you if you cause bodily injury to people injured in an accident by you
Uninsured motorist coverage: While auto insurance is required in the state in Colorado for all motorists, there are some people that break the rules. If you are in an accident with an uninsured driver, or encounter a hit-and-run situation, this type of coverage will help
Personal Injury Protection: If anyone in your vehicle is injured, it will cover medical expenses, wages lost due time off work, and more
From here, each of the amounts is different. Make sure you understand your insurance policy in the event you are in a wreck.
Types of Damages from Auto Accidents
Upon being in an accident, there are actually several types of “damages” that must be covered. Damages are all various situations that occur due to the accident. These include:
Medical expenses: Bills associated with the accident
Rental: While you are finalizing your claim with your insurance agent, a rental is typically written into a policy to help a person have transportation
Lost wages: When a person has missed a long period of work, lost wages can be paid to make up for the income that is no longer coming in
Pain and suffering: Each situation with pain and suffering is different, and can entail additional issues or experiences one experiences upon being in an accident
In Colorado, there is a three-year statute of limitations. This means you can consult with a lawyer at any time within the three years if you have issues with your case.
Overview on Handling of Claims
If you are in an accident, there are a few things to do when reporting your claim. First and foremost, if police were not on the scene, be sure to file a police report. You can easily report an accident through the Colorado official state website. Next, contact your insurance company. In many cases when all goes as should, they will help walk you through the necessary steps to get your claim started, set you up with a rental, and more.
From there, your insurance company will send a claims adjuster to review your vehicle. During this, they will assess the situation and all angles. They will receive all the documentation, fully review what happened, who is at fault and go from there.
They will then share with you the amount of money you will be compensated due to your losses from the accident. Your plan may also allow you to receive additional benefits as well. This is why it is crucial to review and understand your policy to be proactive.
Colorado’s Tort Auto Insurance System
In 2003, Colorado followed suit with several other states to change their insurance system from a “no-fault” system to a “tort” system. No-fault insurance systems anyone in an accident, regardless of fault, could use personal injury protection within their own car insurance policy. This meant that all medical expenses were covered for a person, even if the accident was their fault. The no-fault system was costly to drivers, which led the state to opt for the tort insurance system instead.
With a tort insurance system, a person injured in an accident is required to file medical expenses through the coverage of the person at fault. They will work with the party’s insurance company to file their claim.
Next Steps if Insurance Doesn’t Cover Claim
Even when you do everything right, and an accident is not your fault, sometimes insurance will not cover everything. In some situations, this is true, but others, you are entitled to your money, benefits, and more. It can feel overwhelming, especially when you are providing all of the right documentation in a timely manner. While you have three years to handle a claim with Colorado’s statute of limitations, ideally, the sooner you can handle the situation, the better. If you feel your claim is not going anywhere, contact a premier attorney.
If you feel you are struggling with your accident claim and are not getting the benefits you are entitled to, Mark A. Simon is your top Denver attorney to get the job done. As your go-to expert in this field, Mark will fight for you. If you are wondering when should you contact a Denver auto accident attorney, it is definitely time to make the call! With years of experience serving the Denver community, Mark will help relieve the stress caused by dealing with your claim—helping to restore your quality of life and peace. To get started, you can get a free consultation by calling.