Top Auto Accident in Denver Facts and Stats
With Colorado ranking near the top for fatal accidents, it is crucial for all drivers to do their part to keep the roads safe. The state, Denver in particular, is a busy place. With challenging roads and weather conditions throughout the year, all drivers to be more aware. Learn about the top car wreck statistics and ways to prevent an auto accident in Denver from your local attorney.
Distracted Driving
Nearly 90 percent of Denver drivers admit having driven with distractions. While just over half note it was talking on a cell phone and a quarter texting, distracted driving is much more. In today’s society, many factors affect our day to day, which is important to remember for those on the road. In fact, adults from 21 to 40 are some of the largest culprits of distracted driving.
Several more factors can keep your eyes and mind off the road. Common distractions include:
Adjusting music, GPS, settings or other features in the car
Loud passengers
Stress and emotions
Eating or drinking
Fixing clothing or makeup
Taking calls
Marijuana Use
In Colorado, those driving with five or more nanograms of THC in their system could be charged with a DUI (driving under the influence). With five years of legalization under its belt, Colorado has seen mixed stats on how it has impacted accident rates. The number of fatal accidents has risen approximately 10 percent over the last five years. However, in other studies, rates are decreasing. As the state learns more about how marijuana impairs drivers, it is best for all users to stay off the roads after smoking.
DUIs and DWIs
Often confused for one another, DUI and DWI are different.
DUI (Driving Under the Influence): A person in Colorado can be charged with a DUI when operating a motor vehicle after consuming drugs and/or alcohol. Those who receive a DUI in Colorado can have their license revoked for nine months, fines up to $1,000, serve 96 hours of community service and attend alcohol education courses. Those who have their license revoked can ask about an ignition interlock advice which allows a person with a DUI the opportunity to use the device before driving to ensure there is no drugs or alcohol in one’s system. This is something to discuss with a lawyer.
DWI (Driving While Impaired): A lesser charge, those in Colorado can be charged with a DWI when driving under the influence of a substance—even if they are below the legal limit. On the first offense, a person with a DUI in Colorado can receive eight points on their license, up to 180 days in jail, fines up to $500 and even community service requirements up to 48 hours. For second and third offenses, penalties can be up to $1500, time in jail or prison is introduced, and community service is required.
While marijuana tickets and arrests may be lowering, those being charged with a DUI or DWI is on the rise in Colorado. This has unfortunately increased the number of fatal accidents in the state.
Trucks and Semis
Interstate 70, commonly known as I-70, stretches from Maryland on the east coast all the way to Utah on the west coast. Denver is one of the many cities it runs through, making it a popular route for trucks and semi drivers. While the logistics industry is booming, higher demand also puts more strains on drivers. Many drivers get tired and fall asleep at the wheel, while others can become distracted. Also, drivers around semis do not always realize their driving habits could lead to accidents. Thousands are injured or killed each year, making it crucial to be mindful to avoid a personal injury in Denver by staying out of trucks’ blindspots.
Accidents involving a motorcycle are on the rise in Denver. Nearly 50 percent of those accidents include injuries due to not wearing a helmet or other protective gear. Another problem in Colorado is the number of motorcyclists without proper license to operate. As with semis, motorcycles and vehicles need to work together to protect each other on the road. In Colorado, cyclists must get the motorcycle approval for their license and take motorcycle training.
Electric Scooters
In 2018, the city of Denver was introduced to one of the latest crazes in public transportation: dockless electric scooters. Scooters were brought in without any regulations in the town, there was a period when all was up in the air. According to e-scooter accidents, injuries on the rise across Denver, FOX 31 reports roughly 20 injuries per week, from fractures to road rash, due to accidents involving scooters. Some riders don’t follow basic rules while others do not wear the recommended helmet.
Since launching in Spring 2018, laws have been implemented and enforced to reduce injuries, including mandatory use in bike lanes if lanes are available. Electric scooter riders can use sidewalks on streets that do not have a bike lane and must go six miles per hour or slower to avoid injuring pedestrians. For riders sharing the road with vehicles, they must stay as far to the right as possible and obey all other traffic laws as if they were in a car or truck. For downtown Denver, scooters are not permitted in any way on the 16th Street Mall. For those looking to ride with a friend, that is also banned. Only one person is allowed on scooters. In addition, companies that provide scooters must have proper lights and reflectors for safety.
When it comes to representation due to a car accident, Mark A. Simon attorney at law will help you with your case. With more than 20 years of experience in the field, this premier team will work hard to ensure you get the justice and service you deserve. From motorcycle incidents and trucking accidents to wrongful death and drunk driving, the Mark A. Simon law office is your go-to to handle your case. Delivering you the quality service you need, schedule your consultation to get started.