Six Tips for Recovering from A Winter Auto Accident in Denver
This winter is a dangerous time to be on the road due to the colder temperatures causing engine problems in vehicles nationwide, but also ice and snow can be a dangerous obstruction to many drivers. If you’re worried about what you should do when you get into a winter auto accident in Denver, you don’t have to look any further. Below, are six helpful tips to guide your recovery following a severe winter auto accident.
1. Contact Your Auto Insurance Provider
As soon as you get into an accident, make sure you get the information from other drivers and pedestrians involved. This will become incredibly handy when you go about contacting your auto insurance provider and file a claim against the other driver(s) if you weren’t at fault. It’s also beneficial to contact your insurance provider as soon as you leave the scene of the accident since it will be fresh in your mind. This will come in hand when your insurance provider asks you questions about the accident, the longer you take to call your insurance company, the harder it will be to recall specific details of the event.
2. Consult with Your Doctor
Once you leave the scene of your auto accident, you should consult with your doctor in case you have injuries that can’t be identified by yourself. Although scrapes of bruises may not be a severe injury, you should get a few x-rays done just to make sure you haven’t sustained severe internal injuries. Of course, if you do feel hurt, you should make sure your doctor knows so that the injuries can be identified and you can be referred to a physical therapist if need be.
3. Meet with a Physical Therapist
If you sustained serious injuries due to the auto accident, you should make sure your insurance company knows and forward documentation of your medical bills to them. However, to work on recovering from your injuries, you should meet with a local physical therapist. This kind of medical professional can help get you back on your feet and help you regain your mobility. Before meeting with a physical therapist, it’s worth consulting with your health insurance provider on local physical therapists (PT) to use. Even if your doctor recommended you to see a particular PT, it’s essential that they accept your health insurance plan, or else you’ll be paying for all of this out-of-pocket, which not everyone can afford.
4. Take Necessary Time Off Work
Following your auto accident in Denver, you should take time off work, even if it’s just for a few days. Naturally, no one enjoys losing money, but you need to take the necessary time away from work to recover from the traumatic experience. If you can take paid time off, now is an ideal time to take advantage of this work benefit. However, there are typically a number of programs that pay individuals that are out of work due to an injury. Your health insurance coverages might even include this particular situation, so you don’t have to worry about not being paid while out of work recovering from your injuries.
5. Complete Your Auto Accident Claim
While you’re recovering from your accident, it’s an excellent time to complete your auto accident claim to ensure you get compensated for the damage to your vehicle, as well as to your body. To complete your claim, you’ll likely have to give your auto insurance company any additional information you have to offer, as well as medical and vehicle repair records that you have. Generally speaking, the more information your auto insurance company has, the better off you will be and the higher the chance of your claim getting approved quickly.
6. Get Your Vehicle Repaired
The last step in this lengthy process of recovering from a winter auto accident in Denver is to get your vehicle repaired. Your auto insurance company should be able to direct you towards a reputable mechanic in your area. You’ll have a chance to drop off your vehicle and make any necessary repairs due to the accident. However, you don’t have to worry about paying anything, other than your deductible and other out-of-pocket expenses, such as if the damages exceed your coverages. Once your vehicle is repaired, you can pick it up good as new, and start getting your life back on track. In the meantime, when your vehicle is being repaired at a local garage, your insurance provider should be able to find and pay for a rental vehicle that you can use for getting to and from your house. This option is included in most auto insurance coverages, but not everyone has it, so it's worth asking your auto insurance provider. Even if you have to pay rental fees out-of-pocket, rental vehicles aren't too expensive.
How You Can Drive Safer in the Winter
Driving in the winter can be incredibly dangerous, but there are ways you can work on driving safer in the ice and snow. First off, you should avoid driving in snowstorms and limit the amount of time you spend on the road. Before driving, you should make sure that your vehicle is cleared of snow and ice and plan on putting a sandbag in your trunk to add weight to your vehicle to help gain control while driving on ice. Also, you should always let your family know where you’re driving while on the road in winter in case an accident does happen. Driving during the winter can be pretty nerve-racking, so following these tips can help you get a better handle of yourself and your vehicle this winter.
Although vehicle accidents in Denver during the winter can be hard to avoid, it’s surely not impossible. Hopefully, this lengthy guide could offer you help in recovering from a winter auto accident in Denver during the snowier months of the year. If you’ve been in an auto accident and not sure where to start, reach out to Mark A. Simon, attorney at law, for legal assistance and to start recovering from your auto accident.