Should You See a Chiropractor or Specialist After a Denver Auto Injury?
After undergoing a Denver auto injury, you may feel overwhelmed about your condition. Your top priority is to receive proper treatment, which can be difficult if you are unsure of the root of the problem. Some injuries cause side effects that present symptoms right away, while others may not show up until weeks later. Between managing your insurance claims and possibly fielding phone calls from local chiropractors and health specialists in the area, you might not be sure what to say yes to. Learn more about chiropractors and health specialists and how they can help after your auto accident.
What is a chiropractor?
Chiropractors use a manual treatment and correction of the spine or soft tissue to help reduce pain and increase mobility. It is a common choice among those with back problems and other injuries as a resort before surgery or in some cases, eliminating the need for surgery. In conjunction with your medical doctor, a chiropractor will complete an examination to assess the situation. From there, they will complete a series of manual adjustments over a duration of time. After a car accident, if you are contacted by a chiropractor, you can ask your primary care physician if they feel it will be helpful in conjunction with your treatment plan. You can also reach out for an exam with a quality chiropractor to schedule a consultation. Do not feel rushed to decide though that you are not comfortable with.
Types of specialists
There are a wide variety of specialists that can help you during your recovery phase after a car accident. To get started, it is best to see your primary care physician first to help you determine a specialist to see. They are able to make a referral that you can run through insurance. Car accidents commonly cause muscular injuries, making a premier rehabilitation specialist helpful in recovery. Another go-to specialist to help you recover is a physical therapist. Through physical therapy, they will help you work through motions and regain strength.
Working on your claim
After an accident, your proper route of treatment can be confusing. You may receive calls from chiropractors and specialists strongly urging you see them. When you are working with your insurance company on your claim, you may be worried their services will not cover the costs. However, this is why it is important to connect with a top accident attorney in your area. Avoid settling on your medical claims and do not sign a release without fully reading documents—which includes assistance from that lawyer. Keep these first steps following a personal injury auto accident handy in the event you need to use them.
If you have been injured in a car accident, the law office of Mark A. Simon can help you find an appropriate specialist. Our goal is to help you not feel overwhelmed and guide you to the right action to receive proper care. We want to make sure you understand the importance of seeking medical care after an auto accident. Contact our office today for your free consultation.