Should I Talk to the Insurance Adjuster?
Being in an accident is a lot to deal with. When this happens, you probably think that the worst is behind you. Unfortunately, there is one more thing to worry about after the accident: the insurance adjuster. Shortly following the accident, you will get a call from an insurance adjuster whose job it is to settle your claim for less than you deserve.
At Mark A. Simon, Attorney at Law, we have seen first-hand the frustration and despair accident victims experience when dealing with insurance adjusters. If you are involved in an accident and get a call from the insurer, you need to know what to say and not to say to an insurance adjuster to protect your rights and interests.
With an office in Denver, Colorado, we help accident victims navigate the claims process throughout the state, including Thornton, Lakewood, Aurora, Wheatridge, Englewood, Centennial, Commerce City, and other parts of the state. Call Mark A. Simon, Attorney at Law for experienced and aggressive representation in your car accident claims.
Who Are Insurance Adjusters?
If you get into an accident, you may receive a call from an insurance adjuster within a few hours or days after the crash. But, getting a call from an insurance adjuster may not seem like a bad thing because the adjuster is just checking up on you and wants to know how you are doing, right? Unfortunately, that is not entirely true.
While an insurance adjuster may be friendly and sympathetic during a phone conversation, keep in mind that the adjuster does not have your best interests in mind. The adjuster represents the insurance company, not you. According to TheCareerProject website, claims adjusters can be an employee of a specific insurance company or work as independent contractors for multiple insurers.
At this point, you may wonder, “Do I even have to talk to the insurance adjuster if all they do is try to jeopardize my claim for compensation?” Before you answer any questions asked by the adjuster, you need to understand the adjuster’s role in the claims process. Insurance adjusters are hired by insurance companies to investigate claims and determine whether the company should pay the claimant.
Thus, the insurance adjuster will want to gather the information necessary to process your claim but not necessarily in your best interests. Typically, insurance adjusters are hired to settle claims for the lowest amount possible as quickly as possible. With this knowledge in mind, you should exercise extreme caution when speaking with an insurance adjuster because the outcome of your claim may depend on what you say to the adjuster.
What to Do if the Insurance Adjuster Wants a Recorded Statement?
Once the insurance adjuster gains your trust, they may ask you to provide a recorded statement. They may tell you that giving a recorded statement is a routine part of the claims process or may even try to convince you that recording your statement would speed up the investigation and processing time.
However, no matter what the insurance adjuster tells you, do not take their word for granted. Insurance companies need a recorded statement from you to find inconsistencies in your story, use your words against you, and look for ways to challenge your claim.
The insurance adjuster’s friendliness may give you a false sense of comfort, but do not be tricked into providing a recorded statement because the recording can be used against you to devalue or deny your claim. Politely refuse to give a recorded statement and tell the adjuster that you want to talk to your attorney first. If you hire an attorney, you will not have to deal directly with the adjuster.
What Questions Do Insurance Adjusters Ask?
If you choose to speak with an insurance adjuster, you may wonder, “What information will an insurance adjuster ask me to provide?” While no one can predict how your conversation with an insurance adjuster will go, most adjusters ask the following:
Basic information about you, including your name, address, and phone number
Information about your occupation
Accident details
Details about your injury
Your medical history
Some of the things the adjuster will ask you may seem irrelevant to your claim. Do not let an insurance adjuster pressure you into giving an answer. If you do not feel comfortable answering the adjuster’s questions, politely refuse to answer them. Do not volunteer information or go into details. Stick to the facts when talking about the accident and provide limited information about your injuries.
Remember: the adjuster is not on your side. The adjuster is not asking these questions because they are genuinely concerned about you or are trying to help you receive the compensation you deserve. It might sound harsh, but the adjuster’s goal is to find ways to pay you less than you are entitled to and move to the next case as soon as possible.
Thus, if an insurance adjuster calls you and starts asking questions, you can direct them to your attorney, whose job it is to protect your best interests, fight for the compensation you deserve, and ensure that your claim is handled fairly.
Reliable Advice From an Attorney
Insurance adjusters are trained to undervalue and deny claims, which is why you need reliable advice from an attorney when dealing with adjusters. At Mark A. Simon, Attorney at Law, we know the tricks adjusters use when handling claims. Contact our office in Denver, Colorado, so we can communicate with the adjuster on your behalf and protect your best interests while you focus on your recovery.