Moving to Denver? What You Need to Know to Stay Safe This Winter
More people are moving to Denver than ever before and for good reason: it’s one of the best places to live in the country. The scenery is beautiful, the weather is (more often than not) pleasant, and outdoor activities are just a short drive away. But if you’re new to the area, it’s easy to get so caught up in everything that Denver has to offer that you increase your risk of personal injuries. Here are a few key things you need to know to help you stay safe this winter while you adjust to your new hometown.
Pay Attention to Local Ordinances
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and local and state government representatives have implemented protocols to help people stay safe and preserve their health. You need to do what you can to follow these protocols and implement them yourself at your workplace and home. Wear a mask when you’re in public, get tested if you think you’re sick, and report any violations you see to the health department as soon as you can. If you feel that you got sick as a result of a business’s failure to comply with local ordinances, reach out to a personal injury attorney.
Be Careful on The Ice
When the city gets even an inch of snow, it’s normal for ice sheets to form on walkways and parking lots. This increases your risk of slipping and falling while you’re out and about. Though most business owners will do what they can to melt the ice, it’s still important that you take the necessary precautions to reduce your risk of injury. Wear shoes with thick tread to give you more traction on the ice and make sure you shovel and de-ice the walkways in front of your house to keep others safe. The last thing you want to deal with is a personal injury lawsuit just because you failed to do your part to protect others.
Be Cautious on Holidays
The Denver metro area is cracking down on drunk driving and routinely sets up checkpoints during the holidays to keep drivers safe when they’re on the road. However, they can’t be everywhere at once. This means you’ll want to use extra caution while you’re driving. Watch for overly aggressive or erratic drivers on the road, especially at night on holidays. If you notice any suspicious behavior, pull over and call the police. Your actions may be able to prevent a devastating auto accident for other drivers.
If You’re Injured, Reach out For Help
Even if you take all the right precautions and do everything you can to reduce your risk of injury, you may still find yourself dealing with a severe injury. If you’re hurt and the injury was the result of another person or business’s negligence, don’t wait. Get the help you need as soon as possible. Contact Mark A. Simon, attorney at law. Our legal team is here to help you whether you’re dealing with a personal injury resulting from work-related activities or an auto accident caused by a reckless driver.