Mountain Driving Tips to Avoid a Denver Auto Accident
Driving in the mountains is different than traditional roads. There are some top things to know if you are new to mountain driving, or don’t travel these roads often. By being prepared, you can help to avoid a Denver auto accident. Plus, with many roads being single ways in and out of an area, your fellow drivers will thank you for not clogging traffic! Accidents on certain roads and highways can create backups that last for hours.
Car Condition: Even if you are not driving to a remote area, it is still best to make sure your car is in its best shape prior to driving on mountain roads. Why? Because of the many steep hills that go up and down, mountain driving can really take a toll on your car. According to Road Trip America’s article “Tips for Safe Mountain Driving,” make sure your fluids (brake and transmission) are newly changed. Old brake fluid has more elements that will reduce its boiling level that can overheat. This can cause a decline in the effectiveness of your brakes, which you do not want to deal with on these roads. Also, they advise to check your tire pressure as well. Last, make sure your gas tank is full prior to heading out. Check your route and see how many gas stations will be along the way so you can plan ahead. By taking just a few normal routine measures, you can help maintain the quality of your car!
Braking Tips: Braking on a mountain road is much different than a traditional road. Mountain turns are often sharp and at different altitudes so it is best to brake early. Slow down before you get to a turn so you do not lose control of your vehicle in it. If you brake in the turn and the turn is too sharp, you can very easily lose control of your car. Also, stay safe while breaking downhill. Prior to going downhill, begin to break (or downshift if you are in a manual vehicle). This will help you and your car maintain speed. It is also helpful to pump the brakes instead of constantly riding them. This will help your brake pads maintain proper temperature and keep your brakes working.
Driver Rules: You may find yourself in some remote areas on mountain roads. One of the situations you may run into is a narrow road that only one vehicle at a time can pass through. Driver’s Ed’s “Mountain Driving” page explains the driving going uphill has the right of way. The downhill driver needs to get themselves to a place to allow the car going uphill the space to make it through. Another driving method to keep in mind while driving is stay off of the centerline. It makes you more susceptible to crash into another vehicle.
By following these driving methods, you are sure to have a great mountain driving experience! The views are gorgeous, so stay safe and enjoy them. If you do have an accident, the local office of Mark A. Simon can help. We are your premier go-to Denver auto accident attorney. Learn more about our auto accident services and give us a call to get started.