Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident During the Pandemic
Car accidents happen every day in Colorado. Though many of them are minor, you still need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and being as safe as possible. Believe it or not, many people make mistakes after car accidents that can cost them their health and wellbeing while also making it harder to get the settlement they deserve from the insurance company. Here are a few of the most common mistakes you’ll want to avoid making if you find yourself in an accident during the pandemic.
Not Seeking Medical Treatment
Going to the hospital is a scary process with COVID-19 positivity rates increasing. But not getting medical treatment for injuries you suffered in an accident is far worse. If you think you were hurt in the accident, get the medical treatment you need as soon as possible. For severe injuries, head to the hospital and let the doctors make sure you’re okay. For minor injuries, call your doctor and schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment. Just make sure you’re wearing a mask anytime you leave the house. This will reduce your risk of catching the virus and can help you avoid other illnesses like the common cold and flu, too.
Not Calling the Police
If you’re in an accident, the best thing you can do is call the police as soon as you’re in a safe location. They’ll be able to come to the scene and gather the necessary information for you to file insurance claims and process the damage. Even better, they’ll make sure everyone is staying in compliance with the current health orders whenever possible. This includes social distancing, wearing a mask, and taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.
Not Speaking to An Attorney
If you’re injured in a car accident, the best thing you can do is schedule a consultation with an attorney. Unfortunately, many people are afraid or unwilling to come into the office to discuss their case because of the risk of COVID exposure. You don’t have to. You can schedule a video conference with your car accident lawyer instead. During these consultations, they’ll get to know you and will take the time to explore the ins and outs of your case so they can render the legal advice you need. Even better, you’ll be able to conduct follow-up appointments with them over video calls and phone calls, too. You won’t have to set foot in the office once.
Avoid Making These Mistakes
If you’re in an accident but are hesitant to do what you know is right because you’re afraid of catching COVID, take a deep breath. As long as you avoid making these mistakes and get the help you need, you’ll be better off. Remember, if you’re not at fault, you don’t have to go up against the insurance company on your own. Contact Mark A. Simon Attorney at Law to schedule a free video consultation today. We’ll review your case and help you figure out the next steps quickly.