How Insurance Companies Handle A Personal Injury in Denver
If you have suffered a personal injury, you may eventually have to deal with an insurance adjuster to settle your case. Although it is always recommended you work with a Denver personal injury attorney who can handle the negotiation process, if you do choose to do it on your own, it’s important you know these facts about how insurance companies deal with personal injuries:
Insurance Adjusters Want to Close Files Quickly.
Adjusters usually want to wrap up a settlement quickly so they can cross another case off of their list. But, they will not do this if it means losing thousands of dollars in a settlement. Money is still more important to them than closing quickly, so offering to end the settlement quickly is not a good negotiation tactic.
Insurance Adjusters Will Always Talk with Their Superiors.
Although you may think adjusters have the power to settle for whatever figure they can, this is not necessarily true. Adjusters have to be able to justify the figure they’ve landed on with documentation and other forms of support. Before offering a settlement, the adjuster will usually speak with a superior to discuss the value of the claim. If it’s not done before the settlement, the adjuster will absolutely have to present it to superiors with justification afterwards. What does this mean for you? An adjuster will not risk his or her career just to wrap up the case and get it off of their plate. Their job is on the line if they offer an unreasonable settlement, so be prepared for a tough negotiation - a personal injury attorney in Denver can help!
Bring Your Documentation.
Even if the mental anguish you are experiencing as a result of the injury is unbearable, insurance adjusters likely don’t want to hear about it. Adjusters want to see documentation for your expenses such as medical bills you have incurred or pay stubs proving your income before the injury. It’s much easier to recover compensation for expenses and loss of income because you can prove it by providing documentation. If you are trying to play hardball with an insurance adjuster, focus on these aspects of your case instead of playing up your pain and suffering, which cannot be proven through documentation. Learn more about how to document your personal injury expenses before filing a claim.
Look for Weaknesses.
Remember, adjusters are trained to look for holes in your case, so be prepared for these weak spots to be brought up during the negotiation process. If you waited a long time before seeking medication attention or have no photographic proof of your injuries, this could be an issue. If you never returned for a medical follow-up or failed to take the medication prescribed to you, this will raise questions about how serious your injuries really were. Be ready to explain any holes in your story before beginning the negotiation.If you have any questions about your personal injury, Denver attorney Mark A. Simon can help. If you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, call Mark to discuss your rights during a free consultation.