Denver Auto Accident Attorney Explains Common Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Car Accident Claim
Unfortunately, people are injured in car accidents caused by negligent drivers everyday. If you’ve been injured in a collision with a negligent driver, it’s important to speak to a Denver auto accident attorney as soon as possible about how you can recover compensation. If you don’t consult with an attorney, you may end up making one of these common mistakes that could hurt your car accident claim:
Failing to Seek Medical Attention After the Accident.
One of the first things you should do immediately after a car accident is seek medical attention for your injuries. If you wait a few days before getting treated, the defendant could argue that you did not suffer your injuries in the accident, otherwise you would have received treatment right away. Even if your injuries are minor, you should still go to a doctor so you have a record that shows the symptoms you were experiencing immediately after the accident. This will come in handy if your symptoms worsen over time and turn into something more serious.
Not Following a Doctor’s Instructions.
The doctor that treats your injuries may give you prescription medication, ask you to return for a follow-up visit, or even suggest that you see a specialist. It’s imperative that you follow the doctor’s instructions closely after a car accident. Why? If you don’t, the defendant may argue that you are either faking your injuries or not taking the claim seriously, which will affect your ability to recover compensation.
Talking About the Accident on Social Media.
Any good personal injury attorney will advise you to stay off of social media until you have successfully recovered compensation. This is because anything that you say or post on social media can easily be taken out of context and used against you by the defendant. Even an innocent picture of you smiling with friends could be used as evidence that you are not as injured as you are claiming to be. Because of this, it’s strongly recommended that you take a break from social media if you have filed a personal injury claim. Could social media impact your personal injury claim?
Not Getting a Police Report.
Call 9-1-1 immediately after a car accident. If no one is seriously injured, ask the dispatcher to send a police offer to the scene of the accident so he can write up a report. A police report is a great piece of evidence to have in a car accident claim, so don’t skip over this step if you’re in a hurry and eager to leave the scene. The report often contains information on who was at fault, what witnesses saw, and what damage the officer observed. If you have all of this information documented in an official police report, it is much easier to negotiate with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
If you have any questions about your car accident claim, attorney Mark A. Simon can help. If you have been injured because of another driver’s negligence, call us or contact Mark A. Simon to discuss your rights during a free consultation.